Door decorating ideas are the important ideas to design a room, especially for children room. By choosing those ideas, children will attract to enter the room.
Door decorating ideas are
the ideas that must be chosen well by you if you are parents or a teacher in a
kindergarten. As we know that designing a room for the children, either their
bedroom or their classroom is totally different from designing a room for
adults. In this case, a room for children should be more attractive, so that they
want to enter the room and happy when they are there. Then, to realize it, you
must design the door of the room as attractive possible since a door is the
first thing the children will see before they enter the room.
the attractive door decorating ideas
How to design a door to make it more
attractive for children? There are several steps that you have to do, and for
the first one is you have to know for whom the door will be, it is for the girl
or boy children. For the girls, the feminine concept of the door is the best
idea which you can do. You are able to design the door with pink color where
flowers become the main picture in the door. Then, for the boys, the best idea
that you choose is the masculine one in which the blue is the common color for
boys. Talking about the picture, it can be cars, and so on. However, for the
classroom door in the kindergarten, the neutral color of the door is good for
the children.
After knowing about the thing above, the next
is about the material which will be used for the door of the room. In this
case, to make such the attractive door decorating ideas,
you must know well what the best material used for the decoration of the door
is. The most common chosen to decorate a door is paper. The colorful paper with
certain shape can be very attractive for the children.